2 - 72 charger parts cars one bigblock one no eng trans both not restorable 2300 both cars parts cars 1 65 comet 4dr 6cly auto 1195 parts car/ 57 vw i think/ complete car very rusty parts car or for art proj 895 /small 57 dodge dump truck sould run 1600/ 62 falcon 2 dr 6cly auto parts car only 1095/ 1 67 mustang parts car only not all their 1100 body rusty /cars broke in half /2 69 camaro shells one may be fixed other is a tub proj have 2 new qrters with car plus a coplete rear end shorten4 link set up all rear frame ready to roll under car and weld in whle back half 2 shells with partsw hole back half/ 56 ford 2 dr parts car 1295 rusty 54 frd 4 dr parts car or rat rod fix up 1795 /51 ford body 4dr could be a rat rod 895 / 69 IMPALLA CONVERTABLE RUSTY RUNS GOOD/ DRIVES AROUND FLACKY FRAME HAS LOTS OF BONDO BUT WOULD MAKE A GOOD RAT RODPROJ 3OOO FIRM 74 CADY ELDO CONV NICE BODY RUNS 3000